Life Audit Report – Scorecard

  1. Family, Friends & Social Relationships

    1- 4: You might be feeling isolated and have trouble connecting. It might feel easier to be in your own company and you are fairly hard on yourself.
    5 - 7: You have a few close friends who may not live near you. You would like to find a more like minded tribe to connect with. You may feel like you are the black sheep of your family.
    8 - 10: You love your family of origin and your family of choice. You get together regularly and feel blessed to have the friendships and connections that bring such joy to your life.

  2. Partner, Significant other & Romance

    1- 4: You may be single wanting a relationship or so traumatised by your experiences so far you have decided to give this part of your life a miss. It may also be that your current relationship is rocky and you are not sure how to go forward.
    5 - 7: You have decided to settle. Perhaps you have a long term relationship that provides stability but lacks depth and soul.
    8 - 10: You are in a relationship with your best friend. You bring out the best in each other and enjoy spending time together. You have a loving sexual relationship that reconnects and re-energises you.

  3. Career, Work & Achievement

    1- 4: How you earn your money is empty. It doesn’t meet your purpose or what you want for yourself. The longer it goes on the more despondent and helpless you feel.
    5 - 7: You have career security, however you may feels like something is missing. You would like to move forward however there seems to be barriers to your progress.
    8 - 10: You’re doing what you love and getting paid well for it. You have broken the glass ceiling and you are in demand.

  4. Finances, Wealth & Investments

    1- 4: You’re always worried about money. You may be putting your head in the sand and leaving the bills unopened. You can’t face how you are going to change your situation. Life feels unfair and you may be feeling quite overwhelmed.
    5 - 7: You have enough to get by however you never seem to get ahead. You know what you need to be doing but often don’t make it your priority.
    8 - 10: You have a good handle on what it takes to earn and save. You probably have had some financial education or happily read information to do better. You understand security gives you freedom.

  5. Health Fitness Nutrition

    1- 4: You have no interest in getting sweaty or restricting your desires. You know it’s important however you can’t motivate yourself for more than a few days. It has the potential to be a problem for your life.
    5 - 7: You plan to do more but get caught up with the busyness of life and “you” get put on the back burner and don’t get it done. You may have family or friends that don’t support your choices or struggle to keep yourself in shape.
    8 -10: Your vital fit and full of energy. You take care of what you eat and believe strongly in healthy mind / healthy body. You have a regular workout that you love and wouldn’t want to do without.

  6. Learning, Personal & Professional Development

    1- 4: You may have struggled with learning and feel you’re not up to the task. Maybe you’ve been given negative messages about how you learn and what’s possible for you.
    5 - 7: Perhaps you’re not sure of the value you will get from exploring what’s available. There is an opportunity here to learn about what parts of this audit you score low in. you put off deciding what is right for you or invest and don’t complete the work.
    8 -10: You have a love for learning and it makes it’s way into your life regularly. You attend courses and have a growth mindset, you are always looking to explore and improve on what matters to you.

  7. Fun, Recreation & Leisure

    1- 4: You believe you are either way to busy to have fun or grew up in a family where work came first and there was no time left for leisure. Perhaps life hasn’t been kind and fun feels like hard work.
    5 - 7: Making time for fun and recreation is adhoc. Sometimes it’s great and sometimes you get so caught up with life it goes on the back burner.
    8 - 10: You value “you” time and can recharge and enjoy the company of others. Laughter, Creativity & Enjoyment are necessary parts of your life.

  8. Spiritual Wellbeing, Sense of Self & Acceptance

    1- 4: Perhaps you struggle with why this makes the list. You may spend loads of time criticising yourself and are tired of keeping up with the shiny shopfront.
    5 - 7: You know you want more out of life but haven’t quite managed to find your sweet spot yet. You are on the path yet haven’t quite committed to taking responsibility for your future by following a daily practice.
    8 - 10: You have a chosen faith or mindfulness practice. You feel connected and at peace even when life is turbulent. You have an enduring sense of everything is OK.



Take a moment to acknowledge the insights you have gained and notice how you feel about this process…


1. How do you feel when you have identified an area for improvement?
2. Were there any surprises for you?
3. Which of these areas would you most like to improve?
4. What gets in your way?
5. What is it costing you or those you love, now, and in the future?
6. How would you like to spend time in these areas?
7. What would a score of 10 feel like or look like to you ?


Want to delve in deeper?

Contact me for an appointment or find out about my current programs available.